Message for May 28, 2011

This is Memorial Day weekend.  It is a time to honor those that have died for the country and recognize all of the departed relatives and friends.  We buy flowers and other items to show that we love and remember our family members that are gone.  The Bible speaks of memorials but they are not just to remember people who have died.

In Exodus 3:15 God said, …This is My name forever, and this is My memorial to all generations.”  God had just said that His name was “I am that I am.”  Whatever is needed, that is what He would be.  His people were called to remember His love for them.
Exodus 12:14 “So this day shall be to you a memorial;  and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord.”  This is in reference to the “Passover”.  It was not just a religious service but was meant to remind the Children of Israel that God had delivered them from Egypt.  They were to never forget what He had done.
Joshua 4:6 “….What do these stones mean to you?”  When the Israelites were allowed to cross the Jordan River it parted before them just like the Red Sea.  Twelve stones were laid as a “memorial” to be used to teach their children what God had done by bringing them into the Land of Promise. There were other memorial reminders that God instituted.  We will look at one more.
I Corinthians 11:25 says “…This cup is the new covenant  in my blood.  This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.”  The Lord’s Supper is a memorial of an event, Jesus’ death and resurrection.  It is not to be simply a ritual remembrance, but an active confession, by which you actively will to call to memory and appropriate NOW all that Jesus has provided and promised through His cross.

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