Our Mission To love all people at all times and lead them into a new life in Christ.
Our Vision To be a church that will be multicultural and generational, having a lasting impact on the people to whom we minister.
To see the gospel extend beyond the walls of our church through various outreaches.
Life is a journey and we all have a story. Our story is filled with grace, hope and mercy. Yes we all have a story to tell and that is our testimony of God’s faithfulness toward us. With the past year filled with hopelessness, fear, uncertainty makes this Easter a little more special. As we look back we can see God’s fingerprints in our lives. I am reminded of the words to the song Evidence. “All throughout my history Your faithfulness has walked beside me The winter storms made way for spring In every season, from where I’m standing I see the evidence of Your goodness I see Your promises in fulfillment All over my life, all over my life Help me remember when I’m weak Fear may come, but fear will leave You lead my heart to victory You are my strength and You always will be See the cross, the empty grave The evidence is endless All my sin rolled away Because of You, oh, Jesus I see the evidence of Your goodness (When I wake up in the morning) All over my life (I see Your mercies are new) All over my life (Yeah, You’re all around us) I see Your promises in fulfillment All over my life, all over my life (Yeah, You’re all around us) So why should I fear the evidence is here. Pastor Shirley
Is Freedom Dangerous?
The gospel brings people true freedom that can only be found in Christ. Religious people struggle to grasp a freedom that brings us liberty. Often religion sees freedom as a dangerous thing that leads believers into sin. How many times have you heard someone claim that “Grace is a license to sin?” These people are clueless about the power of grace in operation. It does not encourage sin or suggest it is okay to sin for any reason. The force of grace working in our hearts teaches us to say no to sin and resist it!
“For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world” (Titus 2:11-12).
God’s race working in our lives reminds us that we are dead to sin, free from its bondage, and no longer its servants. Rather, we are servants of righteousness. Our freedom exists in His righteousness, which is our new identity.
“For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin” (Romans 6:6).
Ed Elliot
The Divine Exchange has set you Free!
“In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. “ I John 4:9
Jesus wore the crown of thorns on His head so that you can have a found mind free from fears, guilt, depression, anxieties and stress.
Jesus’ feet brought Him to places where there was lack, diseases, condemnation and even death. At the cross, those feet were nail-pierced so that you do not need to be in such places yourself. He has rescued you from having to accept and suffer these things in life.
Jesus didn’t have to. He chose to. Why? Because He loves you. He spared not even Himself so that you may have every blessing of health, wholeness and abundant life!
Joseph Prince
Compassion Equals Walking with God
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matthew 9:36).
“So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Him” (Matthew 20:34).
“And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth His hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean” (Mark 1:41).
We learn from studying Jesus’ life that when you are moved by compassion you are walking with God! The way God designed us to walk in compassion is by experience. When we know and experience His love for us, we are empowered to show others the same compassion we have come to know through experience.
So walking with God is living a life of compassion that first comes from knowing firsthand the compassion God has shown you. You can’t give to others what you haven’t received for yourself.
Get to know and trust in God’s compassion for you; it is life-changing!
Ed Elliot
SO, believe it! Dr. Daniel O.C.
We are all tourists. God is our travel agent who has already fixed our itineraries, reservations and destinations…Trust Him and enjoy LIFE.
LIFE is just a trip!
Start living and stop existing!!!
Share with people who are important to your LIFE.
To understand it, you have to visit these 3 places:
–the Hospital –the Prison –the Cemetery
At the hospital, you will understand that nothing is more beautiful than health.
In Prison, you will see that liberty is the most precious thing.
In the cemetery you will realize that life is worthless, the ground on which we walk today will be our roof tomorrow. Let us make the efforts to remain humble by having the fear of God and the respect of our neighbors. Plus, give to people in need no matter how small.
You are God’s treasure!
If one day, we all are allowed to put our problems on a table and exchange them, I’m sure that after a few minutes, everyone would silently take back their own and leave the table.
There is no such thing like a perfect life, nobody has it all together but God is perfect.
Just as our faces are different, so are our problems. Never be envious of what someone else has. You don’t know the price they paid to get it and the price they are paying to keep it.
Sometimes the people you envy, are actually wishing they could have the life you live. Be content and cherish what you have. You can be anything you want, just don’t be ungrateful.
Joseph Prince
“Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.” Numbers 23:20
These are precious words. They reveal how God sees you and me today.
Do you know that when God blesses you, no one–no prophet, no sorcerer, and no devil– can reverse it? You are irreversibly blessed! You can never be cursed! No generational curse or any other curse can come upon you because God has already blessed you! That includes being redeemed from the curse of the law as recorded Galatians 3:13: “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, have become a curse for us (for it is written, ‘Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree’).”
When your enemies say negative things about you out of envy, jealousy, and fear, or if there are people spreading nasty lies about you to assassinate your character, know this: the Lord is your defender. It is God who gives influence to words, and He can cause their words to fall to the ground. He can even turn their curses into blessings. (Numbers 23:21-24)
You don’t have to get all flustered, agitated, and angry. Just know that the Lord is on your side and that when He has blessed you, no one can reverse it. Amen!
In Christ you are irreversibly blessed. No matter how dire your circumstances may seem right now, put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Whom the Lord has blessed, no one can curse. God is going to see you through this difficult patch. Things are going to turn around for you good. You don’t have to live in disappointment, discouragement, and despair. As in the story with Balaan, if God is on your side, who can be against you!
- Be silent–in the heat of anger.
- Be silent–when you don’t have all the facts.
- Be silent–when you haven’t verified the story.
- Be silent–if your words will offend a weaker Person.
- Be silent–when it is time to listen.
- Be silent–when you are tempted to make light of holy things.
- Be silent–when you are tempted to joke about sin.
- Be silent–if you would be ashamed of your word later.
- Be silent–if your words would convey the wrong impression.\
- Be silent–if the issues as are none of your business.
- Be silent–when you are tempted to tell an outright lie.
- Be silent–if your words will damage someone else’s reputation.
- Be silent–if your words will damage a friendship.
- Be silent–when you are feeling critical.
- Be silent–if you can’t say it without screaming.
- Be silent–if your words will be a poor reflection of your friends and family.
- Be silent–if you may have to eat your words later.
- Be silent–if you have already said it more than one time.
- Be silent–when you are tempted to flatter a wicked person.
- Be silent–when you are supposed to be working instead.
- Be silent–when your words do no good to anyone including yourself.
Remember to make your word sweet in order not to find it bitter to swallow later.
Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles.
Joseph Prince
“I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.” Genesis 12:2
God’s financial provision is for a divine purpose. Don’t use people and love money. Instead, use money to love people. When it comes to our relationship with people, it is always more blessed to give than to receive. Have an abundant eye and heart, look around for people in need and bless them. Let your light so shine before all men for the glory of the name of Jesus Christ.
Ed Elliot
Many Christians Suffer
from Covenant Confusion
The old covenant teaches us how to love God perfectly. The new covenant teaches how God loves us perfectly.
No matter how hard you work, you can’t keep all the old covenant laws perfectly as God required of Israel. However, in the new covenant, you can rest in the perfect love God has for you.
“For anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his” (Hebrews 4:10).
Ed Elliot
Some people believe God is getting ready to “do” something! Then there are others who believe God has already done what some believe He is getting ready to do. If He has done it, we can enjoy it now. If He is getting ready to do something, we will have to wait. I like living in the now!
“For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Corinthians 1:20)
Zealot vs. Disciple
You can always tell when someone has a true biblical revelation or just a new doctrine. Those with true biblical revelations will share their insights with compassion to help the lost and hurting and to uplift and encourage others. Those with new doctrines will get in your face and use it to prove they are right and you are wrong. One seeks to help and uplift others; the other is only interested in being right.
This is why God’s Word tells us to speak the truth in love.
The absence of love doesn’t mean the truth isn’t true; it just means the one delivering it doesn’t know who the author of the truth is.
–”He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love” (I John 4:8). Ed Elliot
ANCIENT LAWS THAT NEVER FAIL To be Rich….Give. To Succeed….Serve. To Laugh….Make someone laugh. To Prosper….Be honest. To Excel….Be faithful. To Go Far….Get up early. To Change someone….Change yourself! To be Great….Be Disciplined. To be Strong….Pray often. To do A Lot….Speak little. To be Fruitful….Praise God. To Live Well….Forgive. To Talk Well….Bind anger. To Sleep Well….Work hard. To Be Loved….Love. To be a good Husband….Listen to Wife. To be a good Wife….Submit yourself. To be Respected….Be Polite. To Bind Satan….Sanctify yourself with God’s Word. To grow in Faith….Meditate on God’s word always. Please do note that None of these has ever failed! Give it a trial, and see for yourself. Dr. Daniel O.C.
Ed Elliot
In Crown Heights, NY, there was a Jew, Yankel, who owned a bakery. He survived the Nazi concentration camps. He once said, “You know why it is that I’m alive today? I was a kid, just a teenager at the time. We were on thr train, in a boxcar, being taken to Auschwitz. Night came and it was freezing, deathly cold, in that boxcar. The Germans would leave the cars on the side of the tracks overnight, sometimes for days on end without any food, and of course, no blankets to keep us warm,” he said, “Sitting next to me was an older Jew–from my hometown I recognized, but I had never seen him like this. He was shivering from head to toe and looked terrible. So I wrapped my arms around him and began rubbing him, to warm him up. I rubbed his arms, his legs, his face, his neck. I begged him to hang on. All night long; I kept the man warm this way. I was tired, I was freezing cold myself, my fingers were numb, but I didn’t stop rubbing the heat on to this man’s body. Finally, night passed, morning came, and the sun began to shine. There was some warmth in the cabin, and then I looked around the car to see some of the other Jews in the car. To my horror, all I could see were frozen bodies, and all I could hear was a deathly silence.
Nobody else in that cabin made it through the night–they died from the frost. Only two people survived; the old man and me… The old man survived because somebody kept him warm; I survived because I was warming somebody else…”
Let me tell you the secret of Judaism. When you warm other people’s hearts, you remain warm yourself. When you seek to support, encourage and inspire others; then you discover support, encouragement and inspiration in your own life as well. That, my friends, is “Judaism 101.”
By Joseph Prince
“I will return her vineyards to her and transform the Valley of Trouble into a gateway of hope.” Hosea 2:15 NLT
Are you among the people who think that when you fail, God leaves you and only returns when you get your act together? Some people think that they must clean up their lives and overcome all their struggles on their own before they can come before the presence of God. Well, I have a simple question for you: Do you clean yourself before you take a bath? Of course not!
God wants you to come to Him just as your are, with all your weaknesses, idiosyncrasies, wrong beliefs, hang-ups, and all your bondages, fears, and addictions. He is the bath! You don’t have to try to clean yourself up before you come to Him.
Even if your trouble is due to your own willfulness or a mistake of your own making. He is still with you. He will never forsake you (Heb. 13:5). You are precious in His eyes. Can you imagine living life with this kind of confidence, assurance, and peace that comes when you are truly anchored in this truth?
Today, even if you find yourself in the Valley of Trouble, know that you will not remain there for long. You will walk through it and not remain or camp there (Ps. 23:4). Things are going to get better. Step through the door of Hope and out of your Valley of Trouble today. Jesus is the door of hope! Believe in His love for you and allow Him to lead you to freedom. In His loving presence, you will find forgiveness, healing, and restoration. He will mend your life and transform you from the inside out.
The Bible declares that Satan is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10). He is the one who keeps records of all our wrongs. However, Jesus came to show us that God keeps no record of our wrongs.
“Love keeps no record of being wronged” (I Corinthians 13:5).
The Devil desires to control and manipulate people by guilt, shame, and fear. God’s sole goal is to see you live a life surrendered to the love He has for you and for you to be motivated by it.
“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear; because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love”(I John 4:18).
Who cares what the Devil knows or doesn’t? I would rather live my life knowing God has forgotten all my sins.
God doesn’t accuse us. He is an encourager.
“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more” (Hebrews 8:12).
Ed Elliot
A Prayer of Thanks
God, You are good, and Your steadfast love endures forever! Even in the hardest seasons, I always have a reason to worship You. Thank You for giving me victory and abundant life in Jesus Christ! Although I don’t deserve it, You shower me with unconditional love and forgiveness.
And so no matter what the future may hold, I will shout for joy because You are with me. You comfort me and bless me in the presence of my enemies. Nothing compares to You and no weapon can stand against You. In all things, I am more than a conqueror through You!
Be glorified through me, God. Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart bless Your name.
I want my life to bring You praise.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen. From You Version
If you are poor, that’s not your report.
If you are in debt, that’s not your report.
If you are single, that’s not your report.
If you are barren, that’s not your report.
If you are sick, that’s not your report.
If you are jobless, that’s not your report.
If you are delayed in having children, that’s not your report.
If you are possessed with a demon, that’s not your report.
If you fail exams, that’s not your report.
That thing that’s not making you happy in your life is not your report
THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY IS UNCHANGING CHANGER. He changes our situation and circumstance but Himself doesn’t change. GLORY!
By Charis Global Vision
“Jesus has given us authority over the power of the enemy and nothing shall in anyway harm us.” Luke 10:17-19 Let God be true and every man a liar.
Whose report shall you believe? I shall believe the report of the Lord.
Lack of trust
Lack of mutual respect
Keeping secrets from your spouse
Every form of infidelity
Financial, emotional, psychological, material
Poor communication
Relating more with your parents than your spouse
Too much talk and careless talk
Spending less or little time with your spouse
Being too independent minded
Love for party, money and spending
Exposing the inadequacies of your spouse to your parents, siblings or friends
Not being steadfast/fervent in the spirit
Spurning: to reject with disdain or contempt correction and reprimand
Always wearing a sad face and being moody
Feminism advocacy
Uncontrolled or hot temperament
Not understanding your role and position in marriage as instituted by God
Not being sensitive to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of your spouse.
Lack of wisdom of the Word of God.
Charis Global Vision
Ed & Laurie Elliott
These are words many believers don’t ever expect to hear God say to them. Every time believers try to disqualify themselves from the best God has for them because of some sin or failure in their past, they explain to God, “I know I don’t deserve this or I don’t expect you to help me because I did this.” Many of these people are so wracked with guilt and shame, they are unable to hear something God desires they know and never forget: “I don’t remember that.”
Here is what God says about our sins:
“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” Hebrews 8:12
“To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:19
“He hath not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities” Psalm 103:10
“You will again have compassion for us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:19
Am I not the God of more than enough
Yes I AM the I AM
What do you dare to believe Me for in this season
Have I not meet you where you are at
And with My strong right arm delivered you and brought you forth
Rejoice my people for this is your time to shine forth my Glory in the earth
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it
With words of wisdom you will speak forth the oracles of your God and declare to this generation my saving power
Do not stand by silently but let your voice ring forth my praises
Give to Me worship and in your worship you will be strengthened
Let yesterday go you have today, you have the now, occupy the time now
Must I remind you that no time is lost I AM will redeem the time for you
Step into this time with great expectation for I am faithful to all my promises concerning you and yours
This your time says the Lord for you are a chosen generation indeed a peculiar people
Bring my kingdom to the earth and watch My Glory unfold
There are those who are hungry for the truth
Do not allow the voices of those who are crying the loudest be the majority
But you know the truth which is what my Word has decreed
Seek me and I will bring you into all Truth