Heb. 12:1-2   “…let us run with patient endurance and steady active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set before us.
Looking away (from all that will distract) to Jesus, Who is the Leader and the Source of our faith (giving the first incentive for our belief) and is also its Finisher (bringing it to maturity and perfection), He, for the joy (of obtaining the prize) that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising and ignoring the shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
There are so many things trying to distract us today. There are so many time robbers.  The Bible tells us to “redeem the time.”  Everything is pulling on us and demanding our attention.  I begin the week thinking, “I don’t have much to do this week.”   By Saturday I have been busy day and night.  The important thing is how much of my time do I give to spending with God.  He is the the one I need to keep focused on and not all the other “things.”  By keeping my eyes on Jesus I will not let the circumstances of life get me down and defeat me.  I won’t begin to sink as Peter did when he walked on the water to Jesus.  When he took his eyes off of Jesus and looked at the wind and water, he began to sink.  What are your distractions?   What keeps you so busy you can’t fellowship with God?  What keeps you so busy that everything is more important than attending church where we worship and hear the Word taught?

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Past Pastor Messages and Nuggets for Life