Message for October 1, 2023 from Pastor Jerry“And he (Abraham) believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.” Gen. 15:6(NKJV)Here we are told that Abraham believed the Lord and it was accounted to him for righteousness. This verse is referenced at least four times in the New Testament to confirm that Abraham was righteous because he had faith in God. They are Romans 4:9, 22; Gal. 3:6, and James 2:23.Galatians 3 gives us a good reference to understand that it is the faith of Abraham, not the Law, that makes us right with God. Good works come as a result of our faith in God and the presence of The Spirit living in our hearts.Our job is to develop our faith in God. When Jesus came down from the Mount after being transfigured and met a man with a demon possessed son who asked Jesus for help. Jesus told him that all things are possible to him who believes. The father said to Jesus, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief.”We are taught through-out the Scriptures that our life must be based on our faith in God. The more we attend to our believing in God the more of God’s life is infused in us. Therefore faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word. As the man mentioned above, b we at times must call out to God, “Lord I believe, please help my unbelief.”Comments are closed. |
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