“…peace on earth, goodwill toward men.” Luke 2:14
As we enter the Advent season, people begin to set their attention on
Christmas. This is the season to be “jolly.” It is a time of “good cheer.”
What makes the season special? There would be no Christmas season without Christ.
Yet, the world wants to remove Him from the holiday. Although, it doesn’t want this
holiday eliminated as well.
We have been given a tradition handed down through the ages making the birthday
of Jesus a world wide holiday. It is a tradition that we cherish as Christians. However,
we have no Biblical admonition that we should observe it as a holiday.
Anything we do with regard to Christmas is all based on tradition and not Scripture.
That is not a bad thing in itself, but celebrating Christmas for many people has nothing
to do with Christ. Even among Christians, the holiday is often a time of family and
other celebration rather than centered around Christ.
If we are to celebrate the season, let it be done in truth and honesty. What does
Christmas do? It brings families together like no other holiday. It causes people to
think of others’ needs like no other time of year. Lots of food and drink are consumed.
Parties are abundant. Churches plan special events to reach or impress people.
Decorations are put up throughout the world. Mostly, money is made or spent to
the degree that some companies would go out of business without Christmas.
During this season let us remember, “…whatevery you do, do it heartily, as to the
Lord and not to man.” Col. 3:23