Message for April 1, 2012P.U.S.H-PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENSAs we read through the Bible, we find the most effective prayers are those that were prayed persistently. In the Old Testament Hannah desperately wanted a baby. For many years she prayed and prayed to have a baby. After her prayer was unanswered for years, she did not say, “Well, it must not be God’s will for me to have a baby.” She kept on praying and God gave her a son-Samuel, the mighty prophet.When Jesus went into the garden of Gethsemane and prayed, “Father I want to do your will, but if it is possible for people to be saved some other way, then let this cup pass from me and let’s do it the other way.” Jesus got off his knees after this prayer only to find he did not have the strength yet to go through it all. So He prayed again. Got up and still found out He did not yet have the strength. So He went back the third time. It was in the third time of P.U.S.H-ing that he received the much needed strength to be able to go thru. He told his disciples, “the hour is near and Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinner, rise for it is time for us to go.”Praying until something happens is the attitude that says, “No matter how long it takes, or how many times I have to come before God, I will not be denied. I do not believe this is arrogance; it’s Godly hunger. It is about you pushing into God, not about trying to push God into doing something. This is praying to see the hand of God move, not praying for the sake of praying.Church, are we tempted to give up to soon? What have you given up on because you have not received the answer yet? Now more than ever is it time to-P.U.S.H!!!Comments are closed. |
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