That which is spoken in the secret place will be brought to the light. For I am giving you a voice to that which my spirit is speaking. No longer will the Church not have a voice. But you will have a voice to speak forth into the darkness of this World. The words that I will give you to speak will be words of truth that will shake the kingdom of darkness. I am the “Spirit of Truth” and in Me is there is no darkness. Truth will win, truth will prevail.
We are the voice of God in the earth. As God’s representative on the earth, He has given us the authority to speak for Him. I believe that we are living in strategic times and the Lord is prompting us to be the voice of truth that will bring breakthrough.
Many times God is waiting for something to be done, but He needs someone to began to speak his will. The Church (the body of Christ) is taking their place as we listen and obey what he is speaking to us in the secret place. We then become his mouthpiece in the earth. As the days darken we must learn to be His voice and speak His truth!
People are discouraged and frightened as nations are in turmoil and evil seems to be everywhere. The Church (sons and daughters of God) can stand in the gap and bring healing to the earth as we become God’s mouthpiece of hope and life. The Spirit of Truth who lives in give us everything we need to come against the spirit of darkness that wants to prevail.
Isaiah 58:12:“Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.”