Psalm 100:1-2  (Message Bible)

 On your feet now–applaud God!  Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into his presence.”
    When was the last time you laughed in church?   Wait-when was the last time you even laughed or had fun?  Being a Christian does not suddenly make you somber, sad, gloomy, and no fun to be around.   There is a time to be serious, to worship, to praise.  There is also a time to laugh, have fun, and enjoy being with other Christians or your family.  
      Pastor Jerry is one person who enjoys having fun, sharing jokes, or just playing and laughing.  One time we were on our way to minister in Lexington with Bill Smith and another couple.  In the car we joked, teased, told stories, and had fun.  When we got to the meeting, Jerry got up to minister.  He was very serious and intent in his teaching.  This couple could not believe how he could go from laughing to the next minute teaching the Word.   Jerry told them, “I’m serious all the time.  When I am having fun, I am serious about having fun.”
    I know that I need to laugh more.  The Word says, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.”   Maybe there would be less sickness among Christians if they would get serious about having some fun and laughter in their lives.

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Past Pastor Messages and Nuggets for Life