Unconditional Love and HealingUnconditional Love and HealingJoseph Prince“Great multitudes followed Him, and He healed them all.” Matthew 12:15Look at today’s reading. It didn’t matter who they were or what kind of past these people had. As long as they sought Him for healing, Jesus healed them gladly and graciously. He never asked them what they had done or not done, or if they had repented. He never asked them to sign a pledge to follow Him and never told anyone that He would not heal them because they deserved to be sick.Surely none of them were perfect in their thought life or behavior. Surely there were some who came to Him without strong faith. Yet, all this didn’t matter to Jesus. All that mattered to Him was that they had been suffering and needed to be set free.Beloved, see this compassionate Savior when you come to Him for healing. He puts no demands and no conditions on you. He simply wants to heal you and set you free.Comments are closed. |
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