SAIL THROUGH LIFE’S STORMS IN VICTORY by Joseph PrinceSAIL THROUGH LIFE’S STORMS IN VICTORYImagine you are a boat. And your life is a sea you must cross.Sometimes the water is calm, the sun is shining, and the wind is at your back. Everything seems great. But sometimes the sky gets dark, the winds pick up, and waves toss you around.That’s when some believers battle anxiety. Some worry about sinking or even become captives of fear.But let me share this spiritual key with you, beloved, that can transform your faith journey starting today.A boat doesn’t sink because of the water around it. A boat sinks because of the water that gets inside it. And that’s true for you and me, as well.No matter what lies or harassment the enemy may throw at you, you cannot sink as long as you don’t bring those lies into your heart and mind.
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