Shirley Powell was born and raised in Columbia, Kentucky where she resides with her husband Kenny Powell. Sister Powell strayed from her Christian up bringing in her teenage years, but after several years of worldly ways she found her way back to church where she began to learn about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. During this time she received the call of God to preach. In 1993, shortly after she and her son, Jeremy started attending New Life for the Nations, the Holy Spirit spoke to her that this was the place God wanted her to be planted and she was to stay. She is now associate pastor at NLFTN and fills in for her pastor where ever there is a need. Sister Powell says that her greatest degree came from the experiences of life. She has seen the impossible become possible through the power of God’s Word in her own life as he has taken her from glory to glory. Sister Powell ministers with an anointing of exhortation that will stir one’s spirit to “Dare to believe God and to him that believeth all things are possible”.