Open Up the Scriptures   

Open Up the Scriptures   
So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.  Romans 10:17  NASB
When I was studying the Emmaus story, I asked the Lord why He chose to restrain the eyes of the two disciples such that they couldn’t recognize Him (Luke 24:13-35).  I asked Him, “Wouldn’t it have been better for them to see You with Your nail pierced hands?”  Wouldn’t it have been better if Jesus had walked down the busiest streets of Jerusalem, lifted up His hands, and hollered, “Yo! Everyone, check this out!”
But Jesus knew that doing that would not produce true faith.  He revealed to me that it was more important for the disciples to see Him in the Word than to see Him in person.
Wow, those words brought so much hope and encouragement to my heart.  If the faith of the disciples was based on them seeing Jesus physically in the flesh, then what hope do we have today?
Jesus purposefully restrained their eyes so that they would see Him first in the Scriptures.  That places you and me on equal ground and with equal opportunity as the two disciples.  Jesus wants us all to see Him in the Word.
God’s Word tells us that “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Rom. 10:17).  This means that the more you hear Jesus unveiled, expounded upon, and pointed to in the Scriptures, the more faith will be imparted to your heart to believe everything God’s Word says about you.
Could it be the reason many believers are still living in defeat today is that Jesus has not unveiled the scriptures to them?   The gospel is about Jesus. It’s all about believing in Jesus that makes a difference in people’s lives.   
                                                               Joseph Prince 

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