Where Are You God ?
As I sit here writing this article, my entire household is suffering from the Kentucky Crud- you know, that run of flu like symptoms, sinus infection, respiratory difficulties and just all around feeling “Yucky.” I could quickly decide that God has turned his back on Me and my family, and He is angry with me in some way….many do just that, yet it would be wrong.
I often think of the trials that The Apostle Paul went through, beatings, shipwrecks, being robbed, hungry and he may have wondered “Where are you GOD?”, yet he never accused God of being anything other than a “Just” God. We need to remember when we go through the hardships of life that we aren’t the first nor the last to suffer, study Matthew 5:45 “…..; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.
Part of being “Just” is to allow the hardships of life to mold and shape even those whom He loves, just as he did with us prior to our conversions. We aren’t finished yet, we are works in progress, and just like a hike of a thousand miles begins with one step, so too does our path to righteousness begin with one trial. Don’t focus on the trial or hardship- focus on the lesson to be learned and you will come out the other side a better person for it…..
Be Blessed — Pastor Tim