Message for June 16, 2013 from Pastor Jerry

    “”Now Jesus Himself began His ministry at about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, the son of Heli…..the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.” Luke 3:23, 38(NKJV)

           Every father needs a father as a good example of how to be a father.  Did you understand that statement?  Many fathers and potential fathers have no good example of what a father should be.  In instances like that I suggest you use the first father as your example.  I am not talking about Adam.  I am talking about God.  How did God treat his son, Adam?  One must look at the whole picture and understand the nature and character of God the Father.  Today, in part, we will attempt to do that.  As a father, how much like God am I?

           “Samuel Osherson did a study of 370 men who graduated from Harvard in the mid-1960s.  They became successful men in their fields of endeavor.  Osherson found out that many were scarred and wounded by the relationship with their fathers.  Osherson summed up his research: ‘The interviews that I have had with men in their thirties and forties convince me that the psychological or physical absence of fathers from their families is one of the great underestimated tragedies of our times.’  As these successful men looked back over their lives, it became apparent that in more than ninety-five percent of the cases, fathers were either cited as negative examples or were mentioned as people who were not influences.”(Point Man by Steve Farrar, p 47)

           How does this fit into explaining the condition of society today? We have had fifty years in which things have only gotten worse.  Fathers, let us determine to make a positive difference!


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