Message for November 19, 2023 from Pastor Jerry“Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?” Gal. 3:3Were you born into the Kingdom of God or did you get in some other way? Jesus told Nicodemus, “you must be born again”. If you weren’t born into the Kingdom you are not in the Kingdom.The only way into the Kingdom of God is to believe that Jesus took away your sins when He nailed them to the cross. To be in the Kinkdom you must believe Jesus took your sins and set you free.“For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteous of God in Him.” (2 Cor. 5:21) You do not achieve righteousness by doing any “good works” after you are saved to be applied to your record. Believing God’s “Word” makes us righteous just like it did Abraham.When Jesus said, as He was on the cross, “it is finished” what did He mean? He meant man’s salvation was bought and paid for. We don’t add “a thing” to the work that is already finished!GOD’S GRACE SAVED US, OUR FAITH ACCEPTS IT, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT EMPOWERS US TO WALK IN IT!!We don’t need to add anything to it. We just need to walk in it and let it change us into what we already are in the heart and eyes of The Lord God.Comments are closed. |
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