Message for July 21, 2024 from Pastor Shirley

Always Remember-                                                                                                    
And if Christ has not been raised from preaching is useless and so is your faith. 1 Corinthians 15:14. Paul said that our preaching (the gospel of the good news) and our faith would be useless had not Christ risen from the grave.   
Other religions boast of their savior.  But their savior has never risen from the grave.  The religion of the Christian is that our Savior has indeed risen from the grave. The power behind Christ’s resurrection is now working on our behalf. This is a wonderful truth.
Let’s remember to never forget that Jesus is alive, that no matter what happens in our lives we will not face it alone.  Let’s remember 2 Timothy 2:8 Jesus the Anointed, raised from the dead.”   We also have this promise in Romans 8:11 “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you”.
Thank you, Jesus, that because you live, I can face tomorrow; because you live all fear is gone. 
May we always remember…..

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