Message for February 9, 2020 from Pastor Jerry

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Col. 3:17

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” Col. 3:23-24

     A few years ago there was a popular song that said, “Don’t worry, be happy,” and it was very much played on radio stations around the world.  I say to you today it is the time to be happy and don’t worry. Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow for that will take care of itself.

     As a child of God and joint heir with Jesus our faith tells us to trust God and remember that tomorrow belongs to Him.  We need to understand that we are not waiting for our inheritance to begin when we go to heaven. We are living in our inheritance now because the author of the will and testament has already died making the will in effect.  Jesus is alive to administer the will and has put the inheritance in our hands as of today.

     We need to live like we believe and understand what the Word of God means when it says, “who is able to do exceedingly beyond what we could ask or think.”  It means He has everything under control day by day.  

     The world is in a mess caused by the people that live in it.  Human nature is not a very nice thing if it is out of control and measured by the wrong standards.  I hope your standard for behavior is what would Jesus do.? Read the above Scriptures and judge yourself by them.  How are you doing? 

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