‘And they opened their gifts to Him, gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Matt. 2:11. Tradition has taught us that three wise men from the East came to visit Jesus at His birth. Actually it was two years after He was born. They brought Him gifts. Gold was to represent His Kingship. Frankincense was to represent His priesthood. Myrrh was to declare His suffering and death. These gifts are a picture of Jesus as King, Priest, and Savior. The Son of God became a man and dwellt among us.
As we look at the three gifts, let us view them from a completely different point of view. How do we emulate the Wise men in their offering? Are we required to offer sacrifices under the new covenant? What are we to give to the Holy Son of God? As we look at the gifts closely we find a remarkable resemblance to what we are asked to give to the Savior. For the answer listen to the message,”What do I give to Jesus?”