Message for August 18, 2019 from Pastor Jerry“The wicked shall be turned into hell, And all the nations that forget God (Yaweh).” Psalm 9:17 (NKJV)Every year the President of the United States gives a public speech broadcasted by the major new networks. In his speech he tells about the condition of the nation as he sees it. Not everyone agrees with the President’s opinion no matter how much proof may exist either pro or con. The Bible is the same way and good Christians do not always agree with what other good Christians say about its message.Jesus said to the Pharisees, “You search the Scriptures, but it is they that speak of me.” He was calling their attention to the fact that the Scriptures talked about Him but they could not see Him in them. They only saw what they were taught and what they wanted to see. The Church today is much the same way. It is the product of what people have been taught and what they choose to believe.Today you can find a church that preaches anything you choose to believe. There is an effort being made by the Devil to convince people that you must amend the Bible to fit the society in which we live. This results in moral and ethical decay of Scriptures and removing the power of God from the Bible. The Bible is not just a book of human opinions. The writers of Scripture were moved by the Holy Spirit to write what they wrote. (Hebrews 1:1)I am afraid that a great portion of our nation is running at high speed away from God. Statistics verify that this is happening at a high level. Common behavior today is made up of things once never imagined in society. I know. It has happened in my lifetime. I know I’m old enough to be called an “old fogy” but my “excuse” is that I still believe the Bible is the manual for life and conduct. That is not from hiding my head in the sand but by searching the Scriptures to find peace and security. I have found the joy spoken of by the song writer. “It is joy unspeakable and full of glory, full of glory, full of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Oh, the half has never yet been told.” I have spent 48 years sharing the message with all who will hear and receive.Comments are closed. |
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