“Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of abundance of rain.” I Kings 18:41(NKJV)
Three years of drought. Limited amount of supplies. Turmoil in the land. Conflict between the natural and the spiritual. Israel was not in the best of conditions. The people were on edge and daily life was being affected. There was a struggle between God and Baal. The people were double-minded about the real God. Therefore, they were unstable in all their ways.
The prophet Elijah had declared a drought three years earlier but now he is declaring that it is time for rain to fall on the country. We here at New Life are in our third year since I went down from the enemy’s blows. We have recovered and now it is time for the shout, “I hear the sound of abundance.”
God is not in a “drought.” He isn’t having trouble finding the things necessary to supply our needs and He hasn’t weakened either. I declare, “IT IS GOING TO RAIN ON NEW LIFE,” and abundance comes, NOW! We do not need to worry about how, that is God’s business. There are two things we can do on our part to see God move. One is to believe God without doubt and two is that we are faithful with what we each have. The summation is to be faithful to give and believe God to supply.
I am putting out the challenge today for us to rise up and see the strength of the Lord. God does not ask us to do it all. He only asks us to do our part. Our part may be a dollar, a thousand dollars, or ten thousand dollars. Everything we have belongs to God anyway.
I am not willing to see the lack of a dollar shut down our ministry. Yes, “our” ministry. We are all in this together. We will fail or succeed together. AND BY THE GRACE OF GOD WE WILL SUCCEED!! Do you believe this? Then I challenge you to rise up in faith and do your part.