MAKING MARRIAGE GREAT AGAIN – Personal Relationship With Jesus

MAKING MARRIAGE GREAT AGAIN    Pastors Jerry and LaVerne


Genesis 39:9  “… how can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?”

In ministry there are the same temptations that threaten any marriage.  Just because a couple pastor a church or has some type of ministry does not mean they are immune to temptations that could destroy their marriage.  The greatest strength against any temptation is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Throughout our 48 years of marriage and 46 years of ministry Gerald and I have both developed strong personal relationships and accountability to God.  When Joseph was tempted to commit sexual sin with Potiphar’s wife, he knew immediately that he could not commit this sin against God.  Being daily aware of His presence is our lives keeps us accountable to Him.  We want to honor Him and glorify Him in our lives.  As we pastor and are in close relationships with our people, we are drawn closer in our marriage to each other as we constantly seek God and acknowledge His presence in our lives.

Temptations are there, but we have super-natural strength.  “Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.”  It is true that humans build a strong bond with one another if conditions are right.  The bond between a husband and wife is one of, if not the strongest bond between two people.

But, it is not the strength of the bond between the husband and wife that enables them to be faithful to each other and resist any temptation that comes at them.  It is the bond between the couple and God.  If we are faithful to God, we will in turn be faithful to our spouse and fellow man as well.  We will have the same attitude as Joseph, “How can I do this thing and sin against God?”

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