God will never forsake you! 

 God will never forsake you! 
When people suffer personal failures, the experience can alter how they see themselves.  God does not want people to identify with their sins and failures but place their trust in a God who is bigger than all their failures.  One who offers forgiveness and restores them to the ultimate plan and purpose He has called them to.
God didn’t cast David aside because he committed adultery and murder; neither did He cast Moses aside for murdering an Egyptian, Noal for getting drunk, Abraham for lying, and committing fraud, Rahab for being a prostitute, or Samson for getting drunk and sleeping around.  All of these people pleased God, not because they were without flaws or people of strong personal discipline and moral character but in spite of their many flaws and weaknesses.  They chose to believe in a good Cod; one who embraces those who are imperfect, weak, and sinful to accomplish His will on the earth.
Don’t let your past be a hindrance to you in experiencing God’s unconditional love and His best for you today!
“For I will be merciful toward their evil deeds, and their sins I will remember no longer”(Hebrews 8:12).

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