Am I not the God of more than enough

Am I not the God of more than enough
Yes I  AM the I AM
What do you dare to believe Me for in this season
Have I not meet you where you are at
And with My strong right arm delivered you and brought you forth
Rejoice my people for this is your time to shine forth my Glory in the earth
Open your mouth wide and I will fill it
With words of wisdom you will speak forth the oracles of your God and declare to this generation my saving power
Do not stand by silently but let your voice ring forth my praises
Give to Me worship and in your worship you will be strengthened
Let yesterday go you have today, you have the now, occupy the time now
Must I remind you that no time is lost I AM will redeem the time for you
Step into this time with great expectation for I am faithful to all my promises concerning you and yours 
This your time says the Lord for you are a chosen generation indeed a peculiar people
Bring my kingdom to the earth and watch My Glory unfold
There are those who are hungry for the truth
Do not allow the voices of those who are  crying the loudest be the majority
But you know the truth which is what my Word has decreed
Seek me and I  will bring you into all Truth

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Past Pastor Messages and Nuggets for Life