Message for May 12, 2024 from Pastor Shirley

CHOOSE TO BELIEVE                                                                   
There are some who say                                                                          
Heaven is only a fairy tale of streets paved with gold                      
Hell is just the imagination of man                                                           
The Bible is just another story to be told                                                        
The Blood of Jesus is no longer needed to cleanse the sins of man                                                                Miracles have all passed away
But I choose to believe:
The Bible is the infallible Word of God 
Inspired by Holy Spirit given to men                                    
Heaven is a place of eternal bliss for the born-again
The blood of Jesus is the only way man can be cleansed from sin
Hell has been prepared for the devil and his angels
Miracles are just as real today as they were in the days of the apostles 
The standard has been raised 
Mighty voices can be heard in the land
An army of Believers  shouting out the Word 
Will you believe

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