For I Am the Lord your God and there is none other that offers the grace I give. Step into abundant living through provision I have provided for you. Know I am for you and the things that are so easily besetting to you lay aside. Look for me and surely you will find me. I am only a breath away. Utter my name and I will hear and respond. This is the season of turn around. It may have felt like you have been stuck in a place and your walk has become heavy and every step you have taken has seem as a burden. I am the burden lifter and I am causing things to turn around for your favor. Look to the east, look to west, look to the north, look to the south am I not Lord of all. Those things that you touch, feel, taste, and even see are temporary. Do not hold on to those things as a lifeline that are so easily lost in a moment of time. I am your source of continual overflow. Just as you would see and sense fall in the air a new season has arrived. So it would be in the spiritual realm. So I am bringing the new to you. Some may say, “But I have not walked this way before. Lets just continue on as before.” No I am commanding you to step out of your place of comfort and become radical in believing, radical in giving, radical in praise, radical in your loving the unlovable. Yes there is a baby about to be born spiritually and it has been in the incubator of my spirit. The enemy has come in the last few months and has desired to cause a miscarriage but by my grace it has stayed intact and you have come to full term. The water has broken and a flood of my spirit has been released. Welcome to the overflow. Welcome to the new, embrace the new. For this place will not only be called the place of prayer but the place of praise, the place of salvation for many that have grown weary. They have grown weary in trying to find their place in me, grown weary in trying to find who they are. Searching but never finding peace. I am peace and not one of my own has to strive for what I provided through my Son Jesus. No I am not dead but I am alive through those who choose to believe to those who will allow me to live big in them. For surely I have brought you to this place. I have brought you to this time. What a great opportunity you have to let the light of my love shine. The world as you know gets darker and the line of darkness bigger but the light of my church, my chosen ones, my beloved ones will shine brighter. Yes my glory shall be revealed in the land through you. Do not be ashamed of the gospel of truth for it the power of salvation to all those who choose to believe. It thas the power to bring about change in lives so others will stand in awe of the transformation that has taken place in their life. Relief has come to those who have had their lives shattered by a gospel that offers no hope. A gospel that says you have to perform, a gospel that says you do and God will. No you be and I will. You are my righteousness in Christ Jesus, you are my chosen ones, you are my sons my daughters. You stand before pure and holy. I look not at what you have been or what you have done but what I have purposed. Some may say, “I will get over this, I will get delivered from this, I will get this straightened out and then I will serve you God. I implore you to come as you are love me and let me love you. My love is not as the love of a person but the unconditional love of a heavenly Father that loves you just a you are. How great how wide is my love for you-it has no measure-never ending. That is what I have done by sending my Son Jesus so you can come just as you are.